Writing correctly can be an extremely effective tool as we progress in our careers. This is even more true when we talk about non-native English speakers. But we also know that learning a new language can be a daunting task, so we created this quick guide to help you avoid common mistakes and generally improve the quality of your writing.

Table of Contents

🇺🇸 Learning English

We know that learning English takes time and effort, but we also noted that there are different ways you can practice and improve your skills.


🖥️ English Learning Platforms

Practice makes perfect. That's why we recommend everyone to practice absolutely all the time, whenever they can. Check out a few of our recommendations below:

italki - Best language learning app with certificated tutors

Lingoda: Online language courses with native teachers

Изучение английского языка в онлайн-школе Skyeng

Find online language tutors at Preply. Book your first lesson now!

📣 Common English Mistakes

For now, we mainly work with engineers for whom English the second or third language. Here are common mistakes we see among them, including real-world examples. In general, we strongly encourage using the most modern spell-checker. At Outtalent, we use Grammarly.

✍️ Improving Your Writing Skills

There are many ways one can improve writing, here we listed a few tips and pointers.