Top companies receive a lot of applications and often have to rely on quick decisions while reviewing people's resumes. This means candidates who went to famous schools or worked for famous employers get an advantage while many strong candidates from less known places can be passed on.

In order to address this problem for our Outtalent fellows, we vouch for those who successfully graduate our program to engineering managers, recruiters, and other employees we know at top companies. We think such recommendations help great candidates get noticed and help employers notice great candidates.

These lists show what companies Outtalent helps. We hope all software engineers will find them useful for discovering great companies, whether the engineers want to apply by themselves or with our assistance.

How to use this database

Pick a filtered view below (All, Big Tech, Local, US-only, Friendly) to see types of companies. Scroll, filter and sort to see if you find a company that match your ambitions. Here’s a summary of what you’ll find in each of them:

Recommended Tech Companies